2014년 9월 18일 목요일

놓지 않았던 엄마의 기억 하나

남루한 행색의 할머니 한 분이 보따리 두 개를 들고 거리를 헤맵니다. '한 시간 째 왔다갔다. . 할머니 좀 이상해요' 신고를 받고 출동한 서부 아미파출소 경찰관들이 이것저것 여쭤보니 우리 딸이 애를 낳고 병원에 있다는 말씀 뿐. 그런데 정작 자신의 이름도. . 딸의 이름도 기억하지 못하고 보따리만 하염없이 부둥켜안으십니다. 슬리퍼 차림이 인근 주민일 것이라 판단, 할머니 사진을 찍어 동네에 수소문 끝에 할머니를 아는 이웃이 나타났고,
딸이 입원한 병원을 전해들어 순찰차로 모셨습니다. 갓난쟁이와 함께 침대에 누운 딸은 주섬주섬 보따리를 풀어 다 식어버린 미역국, 나물반찬, 흰 밥을 내어 놓는 엄마를 보며 가슴이 미어집니다. '어여 무라. . .' 치매를 앓는 엄마가 놓지 않았던 기억 하나. 병실은 눈물바다가 되었습니다.

2014년 9월 17일 수요일

강제 캠프파이어

생각지도 않았던 캠프파이어를 했습니다.
그것도 아침부터...


올해는 유독 말벌들이 많이 보였습니다.

그저 별거 아니라고 생각했었는데 말벌집이 우리집에 있었습니다.

방부목으로 짜여진 옥상이라 옥상발판과 건물 사이에 옆으로 넓게 지어진 말벌집이었습니다.

어찌어찌 고생고생 하면서 제거해 보려 했지만 실패...

결국 119 신세를 져야 했습니다.

(다시 한번 119 구급대 여러분께 감사드립니다.)

그렇게 말벌은 이젠 안녕 이란 생각으로 다음날이 되었습니다.

창고로 가던중 경악 했네요.

집 초입 기둥으로 사용 했었던 썩은 기둥을 주위로 수십마리의 말벌과 동그라미친 구멍으로 수없이 들락달락 하는 말벌들...

우선 집으로 대피 후 대처 방법을 고민 합니다.

아침에 덮치자.
그래야 나간 벌들도 없을거고 요즘은 제법 쌀쌀한 아침 날씨에 멍해져 있을 테니까.

그렇게 다음 날이 되고 마당 한쪽에 장작으로 불을 피웠습니다.

활활 타는 장작을 뒤로하고 말벌이 있는 썩은기둥을 덮치러 갑니다.

처는 손에 에프킬라를 들고 저는 두꺼운 옷과 장갑, 그렇게 다가가 조심조심 들어 올려 불타는 장작더미로 직행!

다행히 벌 한마리 나오질 않고 불속에 넣었네요.

아침부터 강제 캠프파이어.

나무 타는 냄새도 좋고 이젠 뭔가 마음이 편안해 집니다.

아마도 올해의 마지막 말벌 소탕이 될 것 같습니다.

[백신] AVG 1년 / 4년 무료 라이센스

AVG Internet Security 2015 4 Year License

32비트/64비트(공용): http://aa-download.avg.com/filedir/inst/avg_isct_stb_all_2015_5315.exe

AVG Antivirus Pro 2015 1 Year

32비트용: http://aa-download.avg.com/filedir/inst/avg_ipw_x86_all_2015_5315a8160.exe
64비트용: http://aa-download.avg.com/filedir/inst/avg_ipw_x64_all_2015_5315a8160.exe

AVG 사용하시는 분들께 좋은 정보 였으면 합니다.


AVG Internet Security 2015 4 Year License


Other Giveaway: Bitdefender Mobile Security and Antivirus (for Android) 6 Months for Free

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AVG continues to deliver advanced antivirus protection with the launch of AVG Internet Security 2015. It goes beyond simply detecting and removing viruses on your PC by blocking infected links as you browse, checking files before they’re downloaded, and helping protect your personal data online and on your PC with enhanced privacy features. With 2015, we’ve improved our core engine and its accuracy, and included a new cloud-based detection method. And because we know that security is just as important as usability, Internet Security 2015 features a revamped, easier-to-use design.
We’ve been hard at work optimizing our core engine to increase its detection accuracy. That includes better detection of screen-locker ransomware and improved scanning of all downloadable files to keep you safe from an exponentially expanding pool of threats.
And when a new online threat breaks out and spreads, the key to keeping you protected is the speed with which we can react. Our new Outbreak Detection gives us the tools to act immediately and curtail their spread. With Internet Security 2015, you don’t have to wait until the next virus-definition package is ready to be protected: the moment we know a threat’s there, you’re covered.
Finally, we believe security should be clean and simple to be effective, and we’ve put a lot of work in making sure Internet Security 2015 is intuitive to use. Our new simplified design makes sure you know what needs your attention at a glance. Combined with our free comprehensive online support, you can be sure you’re getting our best protection.


AVG Antivirus Pro 2015 1 Year

Download from here for 64 Bit Version


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AVG’s Anti-Virus and Internet Security line follows on the heel of last year’s highly-ranked security suite by not merely incorporating some minor but key tweaks to both its front-end and back-end, but a stronger push toward personal data management and privacy utilities that help prevent uninvited access to your files. Though many threats still exist, security programs as they stand now start to encompass areas of privacy utilities. Whereas the majority of threats were once external viruses trying to force their way into your machines, nowadays malware focus more on tricking users to inadvertently open doors for hijacking.
Version 2013 was AVG’s first push toward adopting and remixing the Modern UI movement. Not just a response to competitors, the Modern UI movement represents an overall push toward creating a more streamlined security experience. For the average consumer, what your anti-virus and anti-malware programs do to protect your computer have followed a set it and forget it mentality.
Balancing along the fine line of being both approachable yet empowering is a key goal of not just AVG but also just about any utility software developer: Modern UI has the visual appeal, but does it evoke control and the sense of security over all the software’s power features?
In our last review, we commended AVG’s decision to reduce the installation steps. It still contains a toolbar offer, and despite the universal hatred toward being fooled into installing yet another browser helper object, AVG’s toolbar actually does include useful security options like Do Not Track. Again it’s a tradeoff but if you really wanted DNT’s features, then there’s a standalone version available for free on Firefox and Chrome in their respective extension stores.
By now, almost every major security software maker has more or less adopted the flat, Modern UI look and AVG has kept its own visuals mostly intact. The main screen is decorated with AVG’s primary areas of protection that include your computer, browsing the Web, Identity protection features, e-mail protection, and extras that populate the second row if you opt to purchase the premium or Internet Security suites. It’s the same as last year’s design, but still a radical departure from the old AVG that’s appreciated, yet still may take some getting used to for the more hands-on user. Thankfully, all it’s older scan settings are still neatly tucked under the options, though they aren’t nearly as touch-friendly.
All visual and organizational improvements aside, AVG 2014 (along with many other security suites we’ve seen) have more or less been continuing to dress a Windows 7 application without completely assimilating into the actual Modern UI environment, wholeheartedly. I can understand this context under the stance that there are still many who don’t face a real urgency to upgrade to Windows 8. But if you’re moving toward minimal input and maintenance for running a security program in the background, then perhaps Modern UI might be better suited in the long run.
For example, the options menu is still very much geared toward the mouse user, so having a meet-halfway kind of design slightly disrupts the overall experience of maintaining and protecting your machine with the touch of your fingers.
Two notable additions to AVG Internet Security are File Shredder and Data Safe. File Shredder is a more permanent solution to deleting files and reducing any potential digital trails for recovery. By default, Windows doesn’t actually delete files, even after clearing the Recycle Bin, with the exception of overly-large file sizes. For the average user, this might not seem like much but in the era of privacy concerns, it’s a welcome feature that will slowly start to become more relevant to the average consumer.
Even Data Safe, AVG’s own folder encryption, helps you create what is essentially a secured pseudo-partition in a native location that can only be unlocked with a password. It’s a practical precaution for those who share their computers with others and wish to avoid having to create separate profiles.

2014년 9월 14일 일요일

삼성 레이져 복합기 SCX-4600 / 4623 series Parts Catalog

1. Print / Copy Speed
• 22 ppm in letter

2. Processor
• Jupiter5 375 Mhz

3. Printer Language Emulations
• SPL, PCL-5 (4623FW)

4. Memory
• 64 MB (4600/4623F)
• 128 MB (4623FN)
• 256MB (4623FW)

5. Interfaces
• One USB port
• One 10/100 Base TX network connector (4623FN)
• One 802.11b/g/n wireless module (4623FW)

6. Toner cartridge
• Initial : 0.7K / 1K
• Sales : 1.5K / 2.5K two types

7. ADF (4623 series)


삼성 레이져 복합기 SCX-4600 / 4623 series Parts Catalog 입니다.

내용을 보시면 쉽게 분해 조립 방법을 아실 수 있을 겁니다.

고장 또는 오동작으로 인한 부품교체도 중요하지만, 먼저 청소(Cleaning) 부터 해 보는 것이 더 중요 합니다.

복합기의 특성상 먼지에 많이 노출 되므로 내부 청소 만으로도 종이걸림정도는 쉽게 해결할 수 있습니다.

물론 사용시간이 오래되어 롤러 고무등의 경화등은 파트교체가 필수 입니다.

SCX-4600 / 4623 사용자에게 도움 되셨으면 합니다.

다운로드 - Parts Catalog (SCX-46004623 series).pdf

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