2014년 9월 2일 화요일

윈도우7에서 사운드블러스터 사용하기

윈도우7에서 사운드블러스터 사용하기

예전 사운드블러스터 계열 사운드카드는 보통 WinXP까지의 드라이버만 지원 됩니다.

하지만, kX Audio Driver를 설치한다면 윈도우7에서도 사블 계열의 사운드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다.

문서 하단의 바로가기 링크로 들어가면 설명과 드라이버 다운로드를 받을 수 있습니다.

다음은 지원 사운드 카드 리스트 입니다.

  • The E-mu Audio Production Studio (APS) card
  • The motherboard models of 10k1 cards (M002, M003 and others)
  • PCI256 (CT4890, CT4891 and CT4893) and PCI512 (CT4820 and SB0150) including OEM model (CT4790)
  • The original Live! (CT4620) and Live! Value cards (CT4670)
  • The Live! X-Gamer, Live! MP3+, Live! Player 1024, Live! Platinum cards (CT4760) and value cards (CT4780)
  • The Live! X-Gamer 5.1, Live! MP3+ 5.1, Live! Player 5.1, Live! Platinum 5.1, Live! Digital Entertainment 5.1 cards (SB0060, SB0100, SB0102, SB0220, SB0222, SB0103 and SB0105) and Value 5.1 (SB0101)
  • The generic and custom OEM Live cards (CT4830, CT4831, CT4832, CT4850, CT4870, CT4871 and CT4872)
  • The Audigy series, including the Audigy MP3+, X-Gamer, Platinum and OEM cards (CT0070, CT0072, SB0090 and SB0092).
  • The Audigy 2 series, including Gamer, Platinum, Platinum eX and OEM cards (SB0242, SB0244, SB0320, SB0240, SB0240P, SB0280).
  • The Audigy 2 ZS series, including Audigy 2 ZS Gamer, Platinum and OEM cards (SB0350).
  • The Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro is not fully supported yet. There are issues with the line in ADC.
    24/96 support for the Audigy 2 and Audigy 2 ZS cards is under development.
  • Audigy 2 Value (SB0400), Audigy 2 ZS Notebook (SB0350) and Audigy 4 Pro (SB0380) cards are partially supported.
  • The Dell OEM SB Live! (SB020x) is not yet supported since it uses a custom version of the EMU10k1, whose details are unknown. Experimental support may be provided when more information about it becomes available.
  • Soundblaster Live! 5.1 cards (SB022x) are supported.
  • Soundblaster Live! 24 Bit and Audigy LS are incompatible with kX, since they do not use the 10kX chips.
  • Audigy2 ZS Notebook is supported, although some limitations apply.
  • E-mu E-DSP based PCI devices are supported (0404, 1212, 1820, ...).
  • Extigy is NOT supported and will not be supported.
  • X-Fi is NOT supported and will not be supported.


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